Sunday, February 9, 2014

"The Bliss Within"...three different sources.

True bliss within comes from one place only...Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. At least that's what I have found to be true. All the years I spent looking for happiness in all the wrong places (booze, drugs, sex) were wasted time away from true happiness. When I finally reached bottom, I found Jesus was the stone I was standing upon and it was the first firm ground I had found in over 40 years. The day I invited Christ into my life was like no other. I instantly became happy and walked around the entire day with a dufus grin on my face. I started to notice people around me in a totally different light and so very many of them were still wearing blinders. I also noticed many people who had seen the Light and they stood apart from the others like beacons on the shoreline.

Now, you might think by that introduction that this page is going to be about religion....nope. Actually, this is about a different source of bliss entirely. Undoubtedly, you have heard of the expression "runner's high" and, if you have experienced this phenomenon, you understand the euphoria associated with extreme exercise. It was once believed that this euphoric high was caused by stimulation and production of endorphins in the body. However, an emerging field of neuroscience has discovered a totally new neurochemical system that is responsible...the endocannibanoid system. It is believed that this system is responsible for that feeling of pure happiness, elation, unity with one's self and/or nature, endless peacefulness, and inner harmony, which is the exact feeling I got from the Holy Spirit entering my body....hmmmmm. Another side effect of this system being regularly activated seems to be a healthy, productive lifestyle. Have you ever  noticed how people who incorporate exercise into their daily program seem to be on top of everything? Better prepared, more productive, busier, and with a direction in life? Well, if you are not familiar with the endocannibanoid system and how it produces cannabis-like chemicals, I suggest you read, "Introduction to the Endocannibanoid System".

So far, we have discovered two sources of the "Runner's High"...Faith and the Endocannibanoid System. The third source, in case you haven't guessed it already, is cannabis...pot. Scientists are beginning to discover the age old knowledge about cannabis's ability to heal both mind and body. As it turns out, cannabis stimulates the same four parts of the mind that are stimulated by exercise...the endocannibanoid system. And guess what else? Pharmaceutical companies, rather than promoting cannabis, are now exploiting these findings in order to develop a drug that stimulates this system while keeping pot illegal. Imagine that!

My point for bringing this to your attention is multifaceted. I do not particularly care which delivery system you choose, be it faith, exercise, or marijuana. What is important to fighting cancer is the ability to remain positive, regain health, and heal the immune system. If you are third or fourth stage cancer, you are most likely not at the top of your game any longer and may be suffering from Chemo poisoning or radiation disintegration. Your immune system is battered and weak and you may have lost much of your willpower to fight cancer. At this point in your treatment it is imperative that you stimulate your endocannibanoid system by any means possible.

In 1992, a naturally made neurotransmitter was found that fit the receptors throughout the body that activate the endocannibanoid system...anandamide... an endogenous cannabinoid neurotransmitter. The name is taken from the Sanskrit word "ananda", which means bliss, delight, or "the bliss within".

The whole system is basically controlled by four players...two bliss receptors and two bliss molecules. The receptors are CB1 and CB2 (CB for cannabis). CB1 receptors are found primarily in our brain and are activated by exercise and pot. The CB2 receptors, however, are found throughout the rest of the body but in highest concentration in the...wait for it...immune system! That's not all though. CB2 receptors activation also seems to play a huge part in controlling inflammation and pain modulation. WOW! No wonder pharmaceutical pricks want to keep pot With this understanding of how THC and anandamide effect the body in the same way, scientists realized that there is a phytochemical plant family, which, when ingested, brings the mind and body back into homeostasis while reaching the desired equilibrium for peak performance and immune system health.

Whether your body is suffering from PTSD, child abuse, cancer, poverty, poor nutrition, the ravages of chemo or radiation, or just your genetics, THC ingestion may be a form of self-selection by which you boost your endocannibanoid system through titration to optimally balance your internal state...much like Resveratrol. Many people who suffer from arthritis, COPD, physical injuries, or other debilitating causes for the most part cannot get their heart rate high enough to trigger the "runner's high" effect. For these people and others, cannabis ingestion becomes a lifeline to healing both mind and body. Nerves that fire together, wire together....through the continued firing of these receptors, a person's body begins the work of healing and the immune system becomes healthy enough to once again fight the daily battles against disease, mycotoxins, and cancer. Isn't that what it's all about???

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