I have to admit that the idea of having a tumor in my bladder was...and is...a very scary reality! My first reaction was to feel sorry for myself and question why God would allow this to happen to me when His promise is good health for those who believe. I am a true believer in God's magnificent ability to heal people as He allowed me to quit smoking overnight more than 13 years ago. I had given it up to Him because I knew I couldn't do it alone. Once I quit for eight years but I had urges on a daily basis the whole time. This was different! On a Sunday night, January 14, 2001, I heard a voice say I would never have a need to smoke again. I awoke the next day and have never had an urge for a cigarette since...not even a little urge. It's as though I had never smoked a day in my life. So, I know how Jesus, the Great Healer, can deliver a miracle. So, I sat down and prayed for a long, long time. I mostly questioned Jesus as to why and how this could possibly happen to a firm believer in God and His Holy Word. What I received was a serenity and peace of mind that, come-what-may, He would be by my side the entire time and I had no need to worry.
The next day, with renewed faith, I sent an email through our Regional Medical Portal to Dr. Holloway with my choice for a urologist. I got a referral and set up an appointment for Friday, January 31, 2014...yesterday...with Dr. Christiansen. At the time, this was about 10 days away and I had already been quite busy reading everything I could find on the Internet concerning bladder tumors and cancer. I found one very informative site called The Cancer Tutor. I had decided early on that I was going to attack the cancer in my body rather than be passive and just wait for what the doctors said I should do. My father died of complications from colon cancer when he was 67 and my mother died from complications from a liver tumor when she was 72. I am no stranger to cancer and I saw what chemo and radiation did for my folks...it spread the cancer! I knew in no uncertain terms that I wanted nothing to do with chemo or radiation and I still hold to that fact. What I found out is that a natural approach to fighting cancer on the cellular level is extremely expensive. Living in South Dakota on Medicare and Social Security is not very lucrative. My wife, bless her soul, works for the Regional Hospital branch here in Spearfish cuz it's just a few doors away. However, her custodial job is at the very low end of the Nation's bell curve for yearly income...way down low. Needless to say, I needed to find a CHEAP way to fight cancer naturally. To this end, I was led to this site where I found the cure called The Dirt Cheap Protocol.
Firstly, a person should understand What Causes Cancer. Cancer is almost always caused by the same multi-sequence of events, although there are other ways. These events are:
"First, nasty microbes and parasites get inside of the organs and make their homes there. These microbes generally come from meat that was not adequately cooked, but they can come from other sources.
Second, these microbes intercept glucose which was headed for the cells in the organs.
Third, these microbes excrete (as waste products) mycotoxins, which are highly acid and totally worthless to the cells.
Fourth, because the cells (in the organs) don’t get the food they need (because it has been intercepted), and because they are living in a sea of filth (i.e. mycotoxins), the cells in the organ become weak.
Fifth, organs are made exclusively of cells. In other words, if you took all of the cells out of an organ, there would be no organ. Thus, because the cells in the organ(s) are weak, the organ(s) are weak.
Sixth, because one or more major organs are weak the immune system becomes weak. Actually, the microbes weaken the immune system both directly and indirectly.
Seventh, because the immune system is weak it cannot kill enough cancer cells and the cancer cells grow out of control.
Thus, in summary, the “root cause” of cancer is microbes and parasites that are in the organs or colon (or bloodstream), which weakens the immune system!!" (taken from: What Causes Cancer from the cancertutor.com.)
So, in order to fight cancer and strengthen one's immune system, a person must have weapons to fight with that will attack the microbes polluting the system. At this time in my progression, I still held out high hopes my tumor would be benign and they would simply cut it out...tada...all better. However, that was not going to stop me from attacking the source of my tumor, a proliferation of cancerous cells in my organs and bloodstream. With this in mind, I decided to use as many Protocols in The Dirt Cheap Protocol that I could afford at this time.
I decided on The Kelmun Protocol first. This is very simple, inexpensive protocol that has been proven time and again to kill cancer on its own and is extremely efficient at shrinking tumors. You simply mix a teaspoon of baking soda with three teaspoons of all-natural, dark, grade B (or the darkest grade A available) maple syrup and gently heat, stirring vigorously, until the mixture binds. Then you take one teaspoonful four times a day, which equals a total of 1 teaspoon of baking soda a day entering your system..no more and no less. The syrup acts as a Trojan horse to get the baking soda into the cancerous cells because they think it is food...sugar. Once the baking soda is inside the cells, it increases the alkalinity of the cell causing the microbes to stop reproducing. It also kills off many of the microbes allowing the cell to revert to a healthy cell again. It's also very effective at shrinking tumors...a big plus for me. Personally, I found that after adding both ingredients into a very small Tupperware, I then take a small sauce pan and fill it about half full of the hottest tap water you can get out of your faucet (usually about 120 degrees). I set the Tupperware with ingredients half submerged in the hot water and mix thoroughly until the two bind. During the day, if the mixture separates a little, I simply put it back into hot water and remix before taking my dose.
The second protocol I use is The Three Honeys Protocol. In this procedure, you mix honey (the Trojan Horse) with three spices that effectively fight cancer...
1) Honey and turmeric (every other day, alternate with ginger) (anti-tumor),
2) Honey and ginger (every other day, alternate with turmeric) (anti-tumor),
3) Honey and cinnamon (every day).
So, first day I take honey/cinnamon and honey/ginger. The next day I take honey/cinnamon and honey/turmeric. The third day I am back to honey with ginger and cinnamon. These are made up basically the same way that you made the baking soda mixture:
1tsp. cinnamon to 1-3 tsps. honey
1tsp. turmeric to 1-3 tsps. honey
1tsp. ginger to 1-3 tsps. honey
As before, I put the ingredients in a very small Tupperware cup, put it in hot tap water and mix thoroughly. The difference in this procedure is you take the entire mixture at once, not spaced out over the day.
All of these procedures come with health warnings and you should definitely visit the site and read through the material and warnings yourself for possible health risks such as raising the alkalinity of your body to a dangerous level.
The other things I am using right now are:
Cellfood Concentrate - 8 drops of concentrate in 8 ozs. purified water 3x daily.
Carrot Juice Protocol - if Carrot juice is not practical, substitute Low Sodium Original V8 Juice and eat as many raw carrots as you can afford. Also, red beets are good to eat or the juice from red beets as long as it's not processed.
In addition to these things, there are many other treatments in the Dirt Cheap Protocol that are all good to use and a person should use as many as are affordable. One other ingredient I take is fresh almonds or walnuts. These have protein in them and are beneficial to overall health and your immune system. You need some form of protein on this routine and these are great sources. My dinners and lunches are made up of salads with vinegar and oil dressing. I push as many green vegies in my salads as I can afford to eat.
I plan on staying on this diet for three months until my follow-up exam on May 12th. My next entry will be my visit to Rapid City Regional Hospital to have my tumor removed...stay tuned.
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